We Are A Trusted Resource to Help You Find the Right Charter School and Make Enrollment Easy
We know finding the right school for your child can be challenging and time consuming. GoToCharterSchool.com was developed to give parents a real view of the school using actual information from the school, providing detailed information and verified parent reviews to find the best charter school option for your child and make enrollment easy.
How it Works
Find Your School
Use our search functionality to find the tuition-free public charter school in your area that is the best fit for your child. Plus, you can create a profile with GoToCharterSchool.com to save your favorite schools, arrange school tours and share reviews of the school.
Read Our Trusted Reviews
We gather verified reviews from actual parents of students who attend the school. Then we collect the latest news, events and pictures from the school so you can gain a real understanding of the school, students, teachers and leadership.
Get More Information
With GoToCharterSchool.com you can request free information about the schools that interest you, schedule a school tour or speak with a member of the schools leadership.
What is a Tuition-Free, Public Charter School?
Charter schools are public, tuition-free schools that are open to all students. Often operated independently from the traditional school district, charter schools provide high-quality instruction from teachers who have the autonomy to design a classroom that fits their students’ needs. They are led by dynamic principals who have the flexibility to create a school culture that fosters student performance and parent satisfaction.